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wayne thiebaud, mcnay art musEUm, san antonio

Wayne Thiebaud, 100 paintings, prints, and drawings

San Antonio became an impromptu destination for us in November. We had neither been acquainted with the place nor included it on our must-visit list. However, we were pleasantly surprised by its charming and delightful atmosphere. The McNay Art Museum in San Antonio turned out to be a highlight of our trip, as we hadn't realized there was a full exhibition dedicated to Wayne Thiebaud until we purchased our tickets. It felt like the best birthday gift as we immersed ourselves in a visual feast of cakes, cherries, and ice creams portrayed in his artworks.

"If we don't have a sense of humor, we lack a sense of persepective"

-Wayne Thiebauld

Thiebauld believes there is a place for humor in art, and he's pleased when people view his painting and smile.

Thiebaud's distinctive color palette has always been comforting. Almost everything he portrays is either man-made, mass-produced, or somehow transformed. In his famous still life compositions, food rarely appears in its natural state but is often manipulated and presented cafeteria-style, neatly arranged in rows and display cases.

McNay Art Museum, San Antonio

McNay Art Museum, San Antonio

Wayne Thiebaud_Buffet, 1972-1975

Wayne Thiebaud_Buffet, 1972-1975

Wayne Thiebaud_ Strawberry Cone, 1969

Wayne Thiebaud_ Strawberry Cone, 1969

Wayne Thiebaud_ Pastel Scatter, 1972

Wayne Thiebaud_ Pastel Scatter, 1972

Wayne Thiebaud_ Jolly Cones, 2002

Wayne Thiebaud_ Jolly Cones, 2002

Wayne Thiebaud_ Sliced Circle, 1986

Wayne Thiebaud_ Sliced Circle, 1986

Wayne Thiebaud_ Cup of Coffee, 1961

Wayne Thiebaud_ Cup of Coffee, 1961

Wayne Thiebaud_ Six Candied Apples, 1968

Wayne Thiebaud_ Six Candied Apples, 1968

Wayne Thiebaud_ Palm Tree and Cloud, 2012

Wayne Thiebaud_ Palm Tree and Cloud, 2012

Wayne Thiebaud_ Stuffed Toys, 2004

Wayne Thiebaud_ Stuffed Toys, 2004

Wayne Thiebaud_ Lipsticks, 1988

Wayne Thiebaud_ Lipsticks, 1988

Wayne Thiebaud_ Swimsuit Figures,1966

Wayne Thiebaud_ Swimsuit Figures,1966



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