San Antonio became an impromptu destination for us in November. We had neither been acquainted with the place nor included it on our must-visit list. However, we were pleasantly surprised by its charming and delightful atmosphere. The McNay Art Museum in San Antonio turned out to be a highlight of our trip, as we hadn't realized there was a full exhibition dedicated to Wayne Thiebaud until we purchased our tickets. It felt like the best birthday gift as we immersed ourselves in a visual feast of cakes, cherries, and ice creams portrayed in his artworks.
"If we don't have a sense of humor, we lack a sense of persepective"
-Wayne Thiebauld
Thiebauld believes there is a place for humor in art, and he's pleased when people view his painting and smile.
Thiebaud's distinctive color palette has always been comforting. Almost everything he portrays is either man-made, mass-produced, or somehow transformed. In his famous still life compositions, food rarely appears in its natural state but is often manipulated and presented cafeteria-style, neatly arranged in rows and display cases.
McNay Art Museum, San Antonio

Wayne Thiebaud_Buffet, 1972-1975

Wayne Thiebaud_ Strawberry Cone, 1969

Wayne Thiebaud_ Pastel Scatter, 1972

Wayne Thiebaud_ Jolly Cones, 2002

Wayne Thiebaud_ Sliced Circle, 1986

Wayne Thiebaud_ Cup of Coffee, 1961

Wayne Thiebaud_ Six Candied Apples, 1968

Wayne Thiebaud_ Palm Tree and Cloud, 2012

Wayne Thiebaud_ Stuffed Toys, 2004

Wayne Thiebaud_ Lipsticks, 1988

Wayne Thiebaud_ Swimsuit Figures,1966
